Sierra Club : In Their Own Words

What They Tell You About:


Funding Sierra Club founder, John Muir, opposed profiting from the public interest in conservation. But the naturalists and outdoorsmen who birthed a movement preserving open spaces are a far cry from the financiers, CEOs and politicos that now run an industry worth countless billions of dollars.


What They're Not Telling You

The Sierra Club has lost more than 100,000 members in recent years; before Mr. Pope stepped down at the end of 2011, he was a strong advocate for raising money via partnerships with business and industry. In fact, four years earlier, Mr. Pope sold the Sierra Clubs imprimatur by endorsing Cloroxs new line of "green" household cleaners in exchange for a percentage of the sales. The Club's Corporate Accountability Committee said the deal created a blatant conflict of interest but the Sierra Club took the $1.3 million anyway. Perhaps they sold out for too little: the organization has budgeted a whopping $100 million in 2012 up $12 million from 2011. That level of spending is going to require a lot of attention-seeking fundraising.

The Tough Questions:
How many babies and their unsuspecting mothers is Sierra Club willing to sacrifice as collateral damage in order to execute their by any means necessary modus operandi to raise money and achieve their political agenda?