Consumer Reports and Canned Tuna : In Their Own Words

What They Tell You About:

Government Limits

"Children and women can easily consume more mercury than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers advisable by eating one serving of canned tuna or two servings of light tuna per week."

Consumer Reports, January 2011

Government Limits

What They're Not Telling You

Consumer Reports writes about FDA limits on mercury in seafood but applies an EPA consumption metric in order to suggest consumers should eat less canned tuna. It is an old trick that exposes Consumer Reports willingness to use rhetorical sleight of hand in order to get the predetermined results it wants. It is actually FDA that regulates mercury in commercial seafood. None of the canned tuna Consumer Reports tested exceeded the FDA's allowable limit. In fact, the Consumer Reports study found average mercury levels in light tuna were lower than the average found by the FDA

The Tough Questions:
Why is Consumer Reports magazine bending over backwards to manufacture health concerns about seafood by mixing regulatory apples and oranges?