Consumer Reports and Canned Tuna : In Their Own Words

What They Tell You About:

Tuna and Pregnancy

"Canned tuna, especially white, tends to be high in mercury, and younger women and children should limit how much they eat. As a precaution, pregnant women should avoid tuna entirely."

Consumer Reports, January 2011

Tuna and Pregnancy

What They're Not Telling You

Peer-reviewed science shows that pregnant women who limit or avoid seafood may actually be introducing risks from omega-3 deficiency. Advising pregnant women to cut canned tuna completely out of their diet and for others to limit their consumption is irresponsible and out of step with leading health authorities. The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recently concluded that eating fish twice a week during pregnancy and breastfeeding improves eye and brain development in babies.

The Tough Questions:
If Consumer Reports really believed that eating tuna was dangerous, why would they serve it to their own employees and guests at their 2010 holiday party?