The Facts About Seafood Sustainability

The Facts About Seafood Sustainability

  • Recent news accounts claim that seafood species worldwide will be
    extinct by the year 2048. These media reports run the risk of scaring
    consumers away from eating this healthy source of protein.
  • NFIs members fully support the sustainable use of our
    nation and globes ocean resources. We require responsible fishing
    practices and the sustainable management of our oceans. By actively
    working with the governments fishery scientists (like the National
    Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service and the
    UN Food and Agriculture Organization), we make sure our wild capture
    fisheries system remains healthy and is managed properly for future
  • The American seafood industry is proud of its commitment to
    being good stewards of our oceans and environment, and to providing
    consumers with quality seafood and fish products as an important part
    of a healthy, balanced diet.
  • According to government scientists statistics, more than 80
    percent of fish stocks are sustainable and will provide seafood now and
    for future generations. Regarding the recent reports, NOAA Fisheries
    Chief Scientist Steve Murawski said, “We have major problems with their
    forecast of no commercial fish stocks by 2048. We just don’t think that
    forecast is credible for the United States. Using fish catch statistics
    as a measure of the population size is dangerous because many factors
    influence the actual catch from a stock.
  • Americans deserve a variety of food choices and wild and
    farmed fish allow consumers to choose fish meals based on their
    individual taste preferences.
  • The bottom line is: if the species of fish is in the store
    or on the menu, the stock is available to meet consumer demand. It is
    our industrys goal to ensure our products will be available to
    American consumers for future generations.
  • Americas favorite seafoods are sustainable managed. The Top Ten Seafoods enjoyed by Americans include:
  • Shrimp- Sustainably managed (a)
  • Tuna– Sustainably managed
  • Salmon– Sustainably managed
  • Pollock– Sustainably managed
  • Catfish– Sustainably managed
  • Tilapia– Sustainably managed
  • Crab Limited overfishing (b)
  • Cod Limited overfishing (c)
  • Clams– Sustainably managed
  • Flatfish- Limited overfishing (d)

a–Sustainable means a fish stock is not overfished.
b–King and Tanner crabs from Bering Sea
c–Cod from Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine
d–Yellowtail and Winter flounder from Georges Bank