Seafood During Pregnancy – Making the Message Stick

After years of confusion about eating seafood during pregnancy, a respected and knowledgeable nutrition voice is helping to clear the air.

In an article for the Huffington Post, Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, addresses misunderstandings surrounding fish consumption for moms-to-be and nursing women, and he drives home one very crucial point: Research now suggests that the benefit to a baby’s neurological health from omega-3s appears to far outweigh the potential for harm from small amounts of mercury in fish tissues, despite the continued misinterpretation of the 2004 FDA advisory on seafood recommendations.

Weil backs up this claim with published studies and medical specialists who all agree that a seafood diet of at least 12 ounces a week (except tilefish, shark, swordfish and king mackerel) is safe, healthy and essential for a babys brain and nervous system development.

So as Weil says, If you are pregnant, eat fish!