Please, Give Us Your Money And Dont Take Us Seriously

Successful halftime acts at the Super Bowl often follow up their hit-making, jaw dropping or nostalgic performances with the announcement of a world tour. During the game iTunes struggles to keep pace with downloads and afterwards Springsteen, Madonna and Bruno Mars let their fans know theyre coming to town soon. Its a one-two performance and marketing punch.

Last week Greenpeace launched is Carting Away the Oceans (CATO) report and followed it up with

–Four meek protesters at one seafood company.

–A few harassing phone calls destined for voicemail obscurity.

–And online supporters crafting well-reasoned retorts.

In 1971 Greenpeace was a group of determined activists squaring off against a 5.2 megaton hydrogen bomb. Now its supporters launch embarrassingly juvenile tweets from the comfort of their parents basement. But not before doing a little online shopping for activist gear, after being reminded they can, save some green on Greenpeace merchandise and help protect the planet at the same time!

Its hard to take Greenpeace and CATO seriously when they beg you not to.